Today Mauritius imports 700 Ktons of cement from Asia (70m$) and Gamma is the most important cement consumer consequently the leader in the concrete business. Gamma has the capability to innovate, carry out research, develop and commercialise 2 new types of cements; subject the latter is in accordance with BS EN standards and local applicable standards. Today the Independent Power Producer (IPP) is burning 500 Ktons of coal to produce energy resulting to a waste of 75 Ktons of Coal Ash which is dumped in the open areas. The IPP is constantly facing pressure from the Authorities and NGOs’ to comply with the Environmental regulations. The use of Coal Ash as partial replacement in cement will be the best constructive solutions to be in line with National Policy of “Maurice Ile Durable”. The use of Coal Ash blend in normal cement has a national interest; it will not only reduce the importation of cement by 10%, it will equally have a direct commercial impact by reducing the cost of cement. Our Coal Ash project will be carried out by Gamma Technical & Product Development Team in close collaboration with Université des Mascareignes, MSB, MoPI and experts in the field.