Above 40% of Mauritians in the age-group 25-74 is either diabetic or pre-diabetic [NCD Survey 2015]. Given the prevalence of type II diabetes in the Mauritius population, it is estimated that a quarter of the company’s workforce may be affected by the disease leading to a consequent loss in productivity and profits within the business. FDW is a socially innovative matching grant scheme accompanied by a pilot programme with the aim to incentivize interested large establishments to provide at workplace level, a comprehensive range of medical, educational and psychosocial support facilities to their employees to ensure systematic detection, follow-up and treatment of diabetic and pre-diabetic employees. In this context, Omnicane Limited is currently implementing the FDW at its La Baraque Cluster with respect to some 500 employees. Omnicane Limited has partnered with two specialized NGOs, namely Positive Approach to Total Health (P.A.T.H) and APSA for the implementation of the project. Some of the activities currently being carried out are Awareness Campaigns, Screening sessions, Follow-up to screening sessions, Counselling sessions, etc.