In today’s world, people want everything instantly (just like coffee). It can be services with a fixed address like a restaurant or it can be a service that is provided by a person moving around like in a taxi. Matching their search and geolocation with a mobile application, we have a solution with a high market value: local service search. Forty2 is a mobile application platform that can solve all this: we provide the data by aggregation of information on the internet, which is enhanced by users indicating what they offer. The mobile app provides the location. The platform displays the most relevant results and the user can contact the service provider directly. This platform proposes two major innovations: (1) Functional: searching and contacting fixed as well as moving services/contacts. As audience, every Mauritian can potentially be interested with the solution. CSO statistics of 2016 show that there are 875k mobile internet users in Mauritius with 71.4% using the internet to search for information. (2) Technical: all users of the applications can potentially be targeted by marketers as they can be profiled by what can be interesting to them (what they searched, who they contacted) and using some machine learning techniques, we can identify the most relevant leads for marketers. Based on Mauritius top 100 companies’ revenues and marketing statistics, we can estimate that the online marketing market is worth Rs 150M!
Mobile application; search; geolocation; contact; marketing