Medical & Emergency Assistance is a huge cost to public health care. Help is often prioritized at the expense of other cases, which may be as critical. Around 350* people suffer from Cardiac Arrest yearly with a survival rate of 5%. This can be improved by medical assistance within first few critical minutes. Many other situations may require immediate help which can save lives if only medical assistance is provided on time. More than 1000 people die of cardiac related problems per year. At the end of 2020, there were 3540 doctors registered with the Medical Council of the Republic of Mauritius, 4400 nurses registered.
What if any person living in Mauritius can obtain timely medical & emergency assistance services from qualified health professionals on a click of a button on their smart phone? Health Care professionals can provide their services and help their community when they are available. AMES is a system that works in collaboration with the local authorities to register authorised health care professionals as Community First Responder (CFR). Using the AMES mobile App every user register on the App from their smart phone with their personal details including location. Users can request for immediate medical assistance on a single click on a button on the mobile app. The system determines the location of the user and finds the nearest available CFR. A CFR attends to the user and provides medical assistance. A CFR may also call upon SAMU, Police or Fire Services as needed. AMES is an Innovative emergency assistance system that can save lives and improve the quality of health services in Mauritius.