is a product recommendation engine which enables retailers to send personalized AI-powered product recommendations to their customers. Our AI objective is to show the right product, with the right format, to the right customer, every time! To achieve this, our unique data processing pipeline allows retailer to seamlessly load all of their data; not only the data generated on their website but also the wealth of data accumulated over the years on their ERP, which properly leveraged makes it possible to bypass the "cold-start problem", provide multi-faceted analytics, and ultimately deliver personalized product recommendations to each and every customer with the help of machine learning algorithms. With, retailers can benefit from an increase in conversion rate, boost in sales, and better understanding of customers. While a prototype for our solution has been developed with test data, the current project aims to prove and assess the market readiness of by performing prototype demonstrations with customers "in the wild". In the context of Mauritius, in-person retail shopping is still the predominant medium, and we believe that the early adoption of an AI-powered system can not only smoothen the transition to e-commerce but ignite scalable innovations for the entire African market.