OEEM Taxonomy-A Novel Layered-Based Energy Efficiency Taxonomy for ICT Organizations
Version: 1,
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Date Uploaded:
26 November 2022
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The global climate change effects being faced around the world plus the effects of global recession and rising energy costs is compelling organizations to save costs. One of the effective ways which is beneficial to both organizations and the natural environment is towards going green. In the process of going green, it is important to be able to effectively manage energy use within ICT organizations. However, due to the complex nature of an organization, managing energy efficiency can only be simplified by categorizing energy efficiency via the adoption of an appropriate taxonomy. This paper formulates a taxonomy for energy efficiency management within ICT organizations, referred to as OEEM Taxonomy, using the layered approach, and is based on the main areas of energy consumption within such organizations. This paper also elaborates on the method and preliminary experimentation conducted within one ICT organization and also discusses on the results and feedback obtained on the proposed sixlayer energy efficiency taxonomy.